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image demux pbm

Posted: 18 Jun 2020 23:56
by joebob

I'm trying to use VLC to open .pbm (NetPBM) files and I'm getting an error:
[00007fbe0d6470a0] main image decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `pnm '. VLC probably does not support this image format.
[00007fbe0fcf56c0] main decoder error: Codec `pnm ' (Portable Anymap Image) is not supported.

Which implies that it can't open that file format even the documentation for Image demuxer says it's supported:

I've confirmed the file is in the correct format (it's not corrupted or anything and works with other image viewers). I only have a Mac so I can't test if this problem exists in other build and I can't find any bug reports or other issues in the forum related to this file format.

Any suggestions for troubleshooting and ultimately being able to view NetPBM files?


Re: image demux pbm

Posted: 19 Jun 2020 20:34
by ePirat
The Wiki is not really up to date so its possible its no longer supported

Re: image demux pbm

Posted: 20 Jun 2020 00:26
by joebob
Thanks for the quick reply. I've poked around at the source and there are plenty of references there, I should probably compile it and run with a debugger to trace where the problem is. PBM would be nice to use because it's just ASCII (relates well to the project I'm working on).

The goal is to be able to send image data to VLC to display. I'm trying to figure out the best way to do that but I keep spinning myself in circles. For example, how to tell VLC to listen on a named pipe while an image data generator writes to the pipe. Whether it's a named pipe or not doesn't really matter, I suppose RTSP or something similar is fine. I'm just trying to get this basic workflow figured out and I'm scratching my head.