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See remaining time

Posted: 18 Mar 2020 12:45
by rayaneee

I use VLC on my Mac. Before in the rectangle (where we can play/pause/change volume) I could see the elapsing time and the remaining time of the video. But now I can only see the elapsing time and the total time of the video. Can someone help me change the settings so I can see the remaining time ? I Already know that I can display the time with "T" but I would like to display the remaining time on the rectangle.

Thank you in advance for your answers,

Re: See remaining time

Posted: 21 Mar 2020 20:38
by dfuhrmann
First, please update always update to the latest version (which is 3.0.8 at the moment) to get all security fixes we released.

As regards to total time vs elapsed time, you can just click on the text, and it switches between both modes.