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Video_TS issue

Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:45
by phillyman

I have copied a DVD and am having a weird issue. It plays both as the DVD or video_TS folder on an old imac I have success with the Apple DVD software but not in VLC or using it with Handbrake (my goal of making it a large but continuous file).

I copied the Video_TS folder to my laptop (newer) and there it will not even play in the Apple DVD player software (no physical drive available) or in the other programs.

VLC says I should check the log and I'm having trouble finding it. I checked the library (probably not the right one). I found VLC folders but none with logs and I did a quick google check (not thorough I'll admit) but couldn't find them offhand.

Does anyone know what the problem could be or which logs I can check? The individual .VOB files play without an issue.

Thanks for the assistance,