Cursor position on M3U playlist not always visible

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Cursor position on M3U playlist not always visible

Postby antonioribeiro » 22 Sep 2019 17:07

Is there a way to keep the "last channel" visible when using it with a playlist? Steps to reproduce my problem

- Open a M3U file (with hundreds of channels)
- Click on the title to sort
- Find a channel
- Double click to watch
- Close the window
- I doesn't bring the VLC main window back, I have to click the icon in the dock to see it again (another problem, this one I did not have in V2)
- The cursor is positioned in the channel, but it's not visible in the window, what we see is the first item of the playlist, but if I click the window and use the keyboard arrows to move it will show the current channel.

I was using V2 for a lot of time and today I installed V3 and it still behaves like this.

macOS 10.14.5
VLC 3.0.8

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Re: Cursor position on M3U playlist not always visible

Postby ePirat » 16 Oct 2019 19:08

It sounds like you are closing the main VLC window ("Close the window"), so VLC will not remember the position in the list. Instead stopping playback should "close" the Video and bring you back to the playlist.

In case you want to have the video open in a separate window, there is a setting for this in the preferences.

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