VLC smooth scrolling like quicktime

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VLC smooth scrolling like quicktime

Postby half_baked » 18 Jul 2019 14:11

To me, VLC beats QuickTime in every way except one, and that is the ability to scroll smoothly with the trackpad. I have not found a way to do this. Is there?

If there is not, is this a feature often requested? Is/will it be under development?

Thanks, keep up the great work devs.

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Re: VLC smooth scrolling like quicktime

Postby ePirat » 16 Oct 2019 21:10

This is not a very frequently requested feature, but indeed it is a very nice feature of Quicktime. It is currently not possible in VLC, no. I would love to have it in VLC but it might be a bit complex, I can't on top of my head come up with an easy way to implement this currently, so it's probably nothing that we can add any time soon, unfortunately.

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