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VLC for Mac 2019 - still not color managed!

Posted: 11 Jun 2019 21:16
by sunlit
So, its 2019. ALL new macs ship with wide gamut dci-p3 displays.
VLC, even in the latest version 3.0.7 does not support mac color management, completely ignores the system display profile and displays over-saturated unwatchable video. On ALL modern mac computers!!!
When will this dawn on the developers? I am asking this question.

Re: VLC for Mac 2019 - still not color managed!

Posted: 12 Jun 2019 17:25
by fkuehne
Please reconsider your tone. Would you speak like that outside the internet to people who give you something for free?

Re: VLC for Mac 2019 - still not color managed!

Posted: 13 Jun 2019 11:38
by sunlit
I would gladly pay for a color managed VLC version, believe me! But ignoring color management in 2019 has no excuses, paid or free.

Re: VLC for Mac 2019 - still not color managed!

Posted: 13 Jun 2019 14:04
by unidan
I would gladly pay for a color managed VLC version, believe me! But ignoring color management in 2019 has no excuses, paid or free.
Excuse me but this is non-sense, the year has nothing to do with developer availability. If there is resources available for this it will probably be done, but if you really want to have it in VLC now, just do it, don't tell the people giving you the software for free to do it with an argument from authority.

Re: VLC for Mac 2019 - still not color managed!

Posted: 13 Jun 2019 14:31
by sunlit777
this should be top priority issue, since it affects 100% of current Mac systems! Please convey it to developers, who might overlook the importance because they are out of touch with modern mac hardware

Re: VLC for Mac 2019 - still not color managed!

Posted: 13 Jun 2019 14:39
by unidan
this should be top priority issue, since it affects 100% of current Mac systems! Please convey it to developers, who might overlook the importance because they are out of touch with modern mac hardware
And this affects 1% of the total userbase of VLC. There are other major issues affecting 100% of the total userbase of VLC and which don't need a 4000$ laptop to fix them.
Again it's not that it's overlooked, it's that it's not planned for the next release and will be included only if someone has the time to do it. IIRC everything related to color management is really planned for the major release after.