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Quartz + window resize = freeze

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 08:11
by guruff
There seams to be some problem with Quartz video output. Everytime when i try to resize window (downsize, works fine when u try making window bigger), vlc freezes - i duuno why.

When switched to default video output - resieze works, but not in quartz so i assume this is exactly the cause.

Any ideas?

Posted: 12 Dec 2005 00:02
by The DJ
Well you shouldn't use Quartz...
It's slow compared to OpenGL.


Posted: 12 Dec 2005 03:16
by guruff
Are there any benchmark results i can look at?
Because looking at movies with naked eye i have been under impression that Quartz givees more smooth output than OpenGL, but i can alwasy be wrong.

Posted: 12 Dec 2005 15:22
by The DJ
OpenGL uses hardware GPU rendering, and our oldstyle Quartz renderer uses Quicktime rendering which is not Quartz Extreme (and therfore GPU rendering) compatible.

So as long as you have a mac younger then 4 years old, the OpenGL module will always be faster by miles and miles.

Posted: 12 Dec 2005 15:36
by guruff
I have hard time seeing it when playing movies;
For egzample when watching Nemo i can see a bit skippy frames (open gl) , where as when using quartz rendering is smooth, so ?