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How to enable the web plugin

Posted: 30 Oct 2018 23:15
by elektronaut
I installed the web plugin via Homebrew

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brew cask install vlc-webplugin

So now there's

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~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/VLC Plugin.plugin
But it does not appear in Safari, even after a restart. How do I enable it?

Re: How to enable the web plugin

Posted: 31 Oct 2018 21:39
by fkuehne
Support for web plugins was removed from Safari this summer and will not come back. There is no way to do it and we will not continue working on the plugin. Safari was the last browser on the mac to support any plugins.

Re: How to enable the web plugin

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 17:08
by elektronaut
OK, thank you for replying!

I guess simply opening a file on my SMB share via VLC is the preferred way then?

Re: How to enable the web plugin

Posted: 04 Nov 2018 12:41
by fkuehne
Yes, this is the endorsed way.

Re: How to enable the web plugin

Posted: 13 Nov 2018 05:31
by klayer
Is there a chance that the plugin will come back somehow.
The "endorsed" way unfortunately does not work for me because I am not having an SMB file storage but have to play videos from the browser.
Unfortunately my videos seem to be uncorpatible with the build in safari H263 decoder.

Re: How to enable the web plugin

Posted: 17 Nov 2018 13:15
by fkuehne
The plugin will not come back. NPAPI is dead on all browser plugins and there is no replacement.