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How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 18:15
by godzfire
I have a really simple thing I'd like to do with VLC that I can't seem to find the way to do it:

I want to set up a playlist that is linked specific folder that I put music where if I add or remove stuff in that folder, it will update in the main VLC playlist when I open VLC. Right now I have to manually delete/clear out the playlist and drag the new audio files onto it, which is really non-user friendly.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:13
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You can ask VLC to open this folder. It will play all files in it.

And you can ask VLC to always open this folder on start.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 15:42
by godzfire
Okay, and HOW is this done then?

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 18:56
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Preferneces -> All -> Playlist -> Default stream. And put the URL of the folder there.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 21:04
by godzfire
Preferneces -> All -> Playlist -> Default stream. And put the URL of the folder there.
Did that, restarted VLC, and all I get is (null) in playlist and "Connection failed, VLC could not connect to ":554"." and "Your input can't be opened. VLC is unable to open the MRL '/Users/USER/Desktop/Bob & Brian/'. Check the log for details."

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 18:01
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Then look in the logs. :D

You might need to put an URL, starting with file://

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:45
by godzfire
Jean, I know that being someone who regularly uses and troubleshoots VLC that you know where these things are, but for the end user, we don't. So when you say to do something, you need to provide the steps in order to accomplish this. For example, "look in the logs". Where are the logs? I don't see it in any of my drop down menus. How can I look at something I don't know where it is. Not trying to be smart about it, just saying please explain in steps.

Same thing with the second part stating I might need to put a URL. I'm trying to link a local folder, so what does a URL have to do with it? I tried the file:// prefix but got the same error: "Your input can't be opened
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'file://Users/USER/Desktop/Bob & Brian/'. Check the log for details."

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 10:17
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It would be missing a /

Play the folder in VLC, look at the logs, and see the URL used by VLC. Copy paste it as the default stream.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 08 Aug 2018 01:36
by Wayne
Referring to godzfire's basic question: Where is the log file located?
I have a similar error message opening an rtsp stream. But I can't find any info where to find the referenced log file. VLC 3.0.3, Mac OS
PS. I'm just following the earlier posted question. If I get an answer, I'll post in a more easily searchable topic.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 08 Aug 2018 21:13
by Lornadoo
As far as I know, VLC is not dynamic when it comes to playlists. In other words, once it has loaded the items from the folder into the playlist, it is static and does not change, even if you have deleted items from or added items to the source folder. It does not update unless you manually update it. Devs, please correct me if I am wrong.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 09 Aug 2018 01:04
by Wayne
Regarding my post above: [shft+cmd+M] (ie. Menu:Window>Messages)
It does not seem to be persistent. So window must be open when error occurs, to capture log details.
Sorry to pollute this thread, but the question was asked.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:19
by onthevergeoflosingit
I know this is old but I found it tremendously helpful and figured out the last bit:

Open your media with VLC and play it. Pause it and go back to the playlist by clicking the "Show/Hide Playlist" button. Make sure your media is highlighted on the playlist. Then go to Window>Media information. The full file address can be found at the bottom in a box labeled "location" (you can also get here using the [cmd+I] shortcut). Example:

file:///Users/onthevergeoflosingit/Documents (Local)/School/Lecture Videos/L02 Lipids Recording Pt1.mp4

I removed the file name to get the full address of the folder I want:
file:///Users/onthevergeoflosingit/Documents (Local)/School/Lecture Videos/

Now go to Preferences>Show All>Playlist. Make sure "Auto start" is checked***. Make sure "Display playlist tree" is checked. In the box "Default stream" paste the address of the desired folder you copied earlier. Save. Restart VLC. It should load all files in the folder each time you start VLC.

***A side note: I find "Auto start" annoying but it's the only way i can get the library to update the file contents. Feel free to correct me if anyone finds a better way.