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Adjusting luminosity bug on iMac 5K

Posted: 05 May 2018 14:03
by whyOwhy
When adjusting luminosity in VLC 3.0.1 on an iMac 5K, the video stretches to the edge of the screen every time the luminosity keys is pressed.
Pretty annoying. Doesn't happen with VLC 2.2.8.
I think I've had other instances where 3.0.1 had troubles keeping the original format of the video on the imac, but can't remember when. Will post again if it happens.

Re: Adjusting luminosity bug on iMac 5K

Posted: 09 Apr 2020 01:58
by whyOwhy
Up. This is still an issue in 3.0.8.
Still as annoying.

Re: Adjusting luminosity bug on iMac 5K

Posted: 09 Apr 2020 14:00
by fkuehne
Please re-try with 3.0.9 which addresses various video output issues and this could be fixed as a side-effect.