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2.2.4 audio distortion

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 19:38
by whiterainbow
I've been noticing a lot of audio distortion in certain files recently. The audio is choppy, almost like a retrigger effect. Based on my testing it seems to be avi files, although I haven't tested more than about 10 files. I downloaded MPV and that plays the same files without any audio issues, so I believe it's VLC specific. My free memory is ~4GB so I don't think that is the issue. I tried some things I found in this thread ... 77#p339577 but none worked. After each change I restarted and tried playing the same file. Any ideas?

Change the audio output module - had no effect (other than some modules that caused audio to stop)
Not to use a volume over 100% - n/a
Disable time stretching in the audio preferences - no effect
Enable the equalizer Tools -> Effects and Filters -> Audio Effects -> Graphic Equalizer then tick the Enable box - Couldn't find this setting
Increase the file cache to 1000 or 2000 ms - no effect
Force the number of FFmpeg threads to 4 or 2 or even 1 - no effect
Use a faster resampler by setting the Sample Rate Converter type to Zero Holder Hold Menu Tools -> Preferences (Show Settings = ALL) -> Audio -> SRC Resampler - couldn't find this setting

Re: 2.2.4 audio distortion

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:21
by arkrog

I have the same problem, the audio is really bad sometimes and it looks like robots... I may have found the solution by changing my movies with .avi by .mkv and the audio is good again ! Hope it can help you.

Re: 2.2.4 audio distortion

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 23:19
by whiterainbow
I've mostly given up on this - since it seems to be nearly all avi files I'm just using MPV instead.

Re: 2.2.4 audio distortion

Posted: 13 May 2017 18:08
by fkuehne
Hello, version 2.2.5 is finally available on now fixing that problem. It will be distributed through the internal updater starting next Monday.

Re: 2.2.4 audio distortion

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 03:21
by IoTMike
Upgraded last month to 2.2.4 (from 2.1.5), discovered similarly audio distortion on mp3 files, both VBR and CBR. Confirmed that resolve this issue. :) MacOS 10.12.5.