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Hiding hard-coded subtitles
Posted: 14 Mar 2016 10:26
by MikeBin
Some time ago, I found in the settings a good solution to hiding the hard-coded subtitles so that I could use a different language subtitle. I have, unfortunately, forgotten which setting or settings it was. Does anyone know?
Re: Hiding hard-coded subtitles
Posted: 14 Mar 2016 15:29
by MikeBin
I found it again and it works quite well. Simply go to the Subtitles menu (not the preference) and turn on "Background Opacity" to the highest level, and Background Color to black and the new subtitles will cover the hard-coded ones. It isn't perfect, but it is very close.
Re: Hiding hard-coded subtitles
Posted: 14 Mar 2016 20:21
by ajmas
Glad you found a solution. BTW these are also known as "Burnt in subtitles", in case you need to do a search in the future