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Does (or will) VLC Mac play DCPs?

Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:50
by eyecolor
A web search and search of these forums yields confusion. Nobody seems quite sure. Some say yes, some no, some say abandoned, but nobody actually knows how to do it successfully.

So for my edification and the benefit of those in the future who gratefully find thread ;) . . .

Does VLC Mac play DCPs? If so, how? I does not seem to work out-of-the-box.

Thank you somebody!

Re: Does (or will) VLC Mac play DCPs?

Posted: 08 Jun 2015 22:06
by CarstenK
The problem is that those who know how to do it do not use the Mac GUI version.

But the main issue is that the performance of even the fastest Macs is not sufficient to play DCPs in realtime. I think support for DCP/J2C is important for the Linux VLC versions, because there are no DCP players for Linux at all.
There are different options/demos for both Windows and Mac, though, that offer better real-time performance, depending on what you need a DCP player for.

- Carsten

Re: Does (or will) VLC Mac play DCPs?

Posted: 16 Jul 2015 16:07
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I can provide a faster version, when I have time, to do 2K decoding on a normal machine.

Re: Does (or will) VLC Mac play DCPs?

Posted: 06 Jan 2017 18:07
by Cantar4
Is there a chance you can find the time to offer us this version before July 2017 ?
If that is the condition to get sync-sound playback, 1K only decoding would still be
perfectly acceptable for DCP verification tasks.