I recently got this movie to work with subtitles on a PC but I can't seem to get the subtitles to work on Mac. I have read all the threads on Subtitles but none had this issue. I run VLC 0.8.2 on Mac OS X 10.3.9.
1. I placed both the movie and the .str file on a folder
2. I opened up the movie when to VLC->Movies/Video->Subtiltes->Browse-(.str File)->Save.
3. I see an error here in the video tab subtitles are grayed out and i can't seem to access them to enable to track 1. I have always had issues with movies before trying to enable to subtitles.
4. Movie continues to play without the subtitles even do I do the step 2 again and the link for the .str file is still saved in cached.
Can someone please help me out I have been trying for a couple of days to get this to work thanks. Oh by the way is a japanese movie with english subtitles.