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VLC under Mavericks

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 10:32
by markvaneijk
Hi everyone,

VLC doesn't start up 2 seconds after I updated with Mavericks. Is this new os x software the reason VLC gets stuck 2 seconds after I open it, or doesn't it has to do with Mavericks? I already tried the other versions of VLC (2.1.4 and 2.0.10). Would it help to re-install Mavericks, of is there a bitter way to solve this problem? I also have a problem with 'right zoom' after I installed Mavericks, but I care more of course about not to be able watching movies with VLC anymore. Anybody with the same problem?

Re: VLC under Mavericks

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:59
by dfuhrmann
Your problem is, that after opening VLC, it gets stuck forever (after 2 seconds)? Did I understood that right?

This is not normal.

Re: VLC under Mavericks

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 09:31
by markvaneijk
After i installed mavericks, vlc worked fine, but a two days later, all of a sudden, it is not responding just after opening it, just like that. Is it mavericks or something else?