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Streaming output from iTunes

Posted: 23 Aug 2005 14:40
by michaelh
I'd like to use vlc to stream the output from iTunes so that another copy of iTunes can tune into it.

I thought I'd be able to use /dev/dsp but that's not supported on OS X.

I have a feeling that I'll be able to use Jack but can't figure out how to do this.

Is this possible?


Re: Streaming output from iTunes

Posted: 23 Aug 2005 20:15
by fkuehne
Is there a reason why you don't use the "Share Music" functionality of iTunes?

VLC can stream all files iTunes supports except for music bought in the iTMS (due to the used DRM), but I doubt that iTunes supports streams by VLC, so I recommend a VLC to VLC solution.
You might want to have a look a the Streaming-HOWTO on the documentation page for details on VLC's streaming features.

BTW. The wizard mentioned in the doc was recently added to the OSX port, so you might want to download a nightly build and try it out. I'd be glad to get any feedback on it.

Posted: 23 Aug 2005 21:45
by michaelh
I don't want to use the share music functionality because I want the music synchronised thoughout the house.

I've been able to use vlc to stream a file to itunes but what I'd like to do is stream the current output of itunes.

Reading the documentation I gather that you can use /dev/dsp as the input file on Linux but there is no equivalent that I can see on Mac OS X.

I'll try out the latest version as you suggest.

Thanks for replying so quickly.