Choppy video & no sound probably due to a slow processor

macOS specific usage questions
Glenn Haste
New Cone
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Posts: 2
Joined: 19 Aug 2005 14:02

Choppy video & no sound probably due to a slow processor

Postby Glenn Haste » 22 Aug 2005 22:16

I'd posed a dvd 'read' problem on 8/19/05, and I think I've found the cause. I tried to 'reply' to my earlier message, but could not submit the reply because the username was aready taken (by me!). So, I'm using this workaround (of a separate posting) to get past that block. If there's a better way to update the information in an earlier post, I'd like to know about it.

I saw, somewhere else in this forum, that choppy video could well be due to insufficient processor speed. Since I couldn't speed up my processor, I slowed down the 'read' speed. Then I could watch the dvd in slow motion. I inferred then that my 467 MHz processor wasn't up to the task. I could never get any sound, but that probably has the same cause. If anyone knows, what is the minimum processor speed for viewing video dvd's?

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