DVArchive will not execute VLC

macOS specific usage questions

DVArchive will not execute VLC

Postby buonoj » 05 Aug 2005 00:57

When I set DVArchive to use VLC as the streaming player I get an error message from DVArchive "08/04 15:54:43 ERROR: EXEC:: Error running command /Volumes/Hera/DVArchive/VLC.app -- /Volumes/Hera/DVArchive/VLC.app: cannot execute"

What does this mean, and what am I doing wrong.

I am using 10.4
DVArchive 3.1
and VLC 0.8.2


The DJ
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Cone Master
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Joined: 22 Nov 2003 21:52
VLC version: git
Operating System: Mac OS X
Location: Enschede, Holland

Postby The DJ » 06 Aug 2005 01:43

/Volumes/Hera/DVArchive/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC is what you need probably. That is how programs are constructed on OSX. they are not one file, but a folder with one binary and all it's resources that it requires. However DVArchive probably needs the binary point.
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