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2.0 to 2.5 VLC Player Control bug Forward button

Posted: 28 Dec 2012 23:27
by Rogerick
The new release 2.0 and updated to 2.5 on my Mac 10.6.8 mini,
the FORWARD button, instead of jumping a set time, as it did before in .9 versions
resets the player to the start, OR jumps to a previous video at it's start, for avi, mkv, etc.. all, I believe.

So I can not control playback with mouse, as before; now need keyboard using shortcut keys; or try to drag time progress cursor accurately,
to replay or advance by segments of a few seconds. ( If you have children, you use this feature often for missed dialogue.)

Q. Did I miss a preference or other way to 'set' the forward button player control skip forward feature, or is this a bug, and in version 2.n a missing feature?
If not a bug, strange that DEFAULT was to restart video rather than any forward at all, when FORWARD button pressed? :shock:

Re: 2.0 to 2.5 VLC Player Control bug Forward button

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 15:20
by fkuehne
In 2.0.x, you need to keep the button pressed for skipping. If you just click, it will go to the next or previous clip (or the beginning of your media depending on your playlist).

In 2.1, we will re-introduce the previous button set as an option.