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VLC slow to load movies on Mac OS Mountain Lion
Posted: 10 Oct 2012 20:29
by paulius
I have latest VLC 2.0.3 installed on my MacBook Air 2010 and Mac OS Mountain Lion.
VLC takes long time to load divx movies, around 30 seconds or so. If VLC program is open, then closing a moving and starting another is fast.
But if i close it out and reopen the program, then it takes its time again.
What could be the issue, and how could i fix it?
Re: VLC slow to load movies on Mac OS Mountain Lion
Posted: 11 Oct 2012 17:47
by fkuehne
Sounds weird. VLC shouldn't take this long to load. Try resetting VLC's preferences by removing both a folder called "org.videolan.vlc" and a file named "org.videolan.vlc.plist". You can access those by option-clicking on the Finder's Go menu to reveal the "Library" item. In there, you'll find a folder named "Preferences" which includes the mentioned stuff.
Re: VLC slow to load movies on Mac OS Mountain Lion
Posted: 23 May 2014 04:10
by armorform
I am having this issue as well. I tried removing the files you suggested, and it definitely reset the preferences (I lost the color and themes I had set up), but it takes about 30 seconds for the app to start up. Once it does open, I can load more movies and stuff quickly, exactly as Paul mentioned above.
I'm using latest version and just downloaded a fresh copy to test..same issues.
Any other suggestions?
Re: VLC slow to load movies on Mac OS Mountain Lion
Posted: 03 Jun 2014 02:50
by jwebb117
I had this problem and I had to delete and reinstall from scratch to fix.