ios vlc quit after resume from sleep

macOS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 25
Joined: 30 Jul 2012 10:23

ios vlc quit after resume from sleep

Postby kc.chen » 01 Sep 2012 18:05

Hi, I download the vlc 1.1.0 code and compile successfully on mac os 10.7, xcode 4.2 with ios 5.1. But I find it will quit when I try to make it resume from sleep. The way to

reproduce is :

play a movie, then press "power" button to make it sleep. And then resume from sleep, I find the vlc quit suddenly. It is 100% can be reproduced.

But it is strange that the same version software download from website won't peform like that, I want to know, could it caused by my compile enviroment? I didn't do much

change on the code except some compile enviroment setting.

Does anyone can help to answer? Thanks a lot. : )

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