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.dmg file not recognized

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 06:31
by tuzzy18
Hi, I just downloaded the VLC player--twice--and I've gotten the same error message when trying to open the files after they've been downloaded:

"The following disk images could not be opened.
Reason: Not recognized"

There has been one topic made about this previously, but no solution was given.

I'm in America. I'm running Mac OS X Lion (10.7).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


Re: .dmg file not recognized

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 08:12
by nkoriyama
Did you check the md5 checksum value of your downloaded file?
You can check it on the terminal:

Code: Select all

$ md5 ~/Downloads/vlc-2.0.2.dmg MD5 (/Users/***/Downloads/vlc-2.0.2.dmg) = 23e1b5cdc751043352eada27b94263fc
md5 checksum values are written in the page
vlc-2.0.2.dmg MD5: 23e1b5cdc751043352eada27b94263fc
vlc-2.0.2-intel64.dmg MD5: e1b62f9e93650b300192a71ea3524cb9

Re: .dmg file not recognized

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 18:13
by tuzzy18
I'm not sure how to check it on the terminal (in fact, I don't even know what that means).

However, I did download the 64 bits Intel Mac, 2.0.2, directly from that page. So I'm assuming the MD5 checksum value is e1b62f9e93650b300192a71ea3524cb9.

--Woah, so I just downloaded the same exact thing for the third time, and it finally worked....I have no idea what was different; all the file names are the same....Hm.

--Anyway, I thank you for your response! I'm sure I'll have more questions at some point! :P

Re: .dmg file not recognized

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 14:54
by fkuehne
The download corrupted during the transfer and "file not recognized" is the (completely non-user-understandable) error message for that.