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I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 15 Apr 2012 04:15
by Billinden
Used VLC for problems. Installed the latest update...big problems. Re-installed it. Still problems. My vids not only appear in skinny, vertical format, but also are sideways. In order to view them I have to cock my head sideways. Bring back the old version please, or tell me how to fix it. Thanks.

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 15 Apr 2012 16:12
by fkuehne
Try to reset the preferences. Search the forum to see how to do that :)

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 15 Apr 2012 18:07
by Billinden
I did a search as you suggested, but all I found was a lot of people seem to be having similar problems with the new (and improved?) VLC and are trying to reset their preferences. It shouldn't be this hard. I wish I had never downloaded the update. Anyone know of a vid player that's a little more user friendly and bug free. Quicktime is not an option. GOM is wonderful, but as far as I know it's only available for PCs. Thanks.

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 15 Apr 2012 22:07
by fkuehne
Alright, just click on "Reset All" on the bottom left of the preferences window (VLC menu). VLC will ask if you really want to do that. You want. Afterwards, restart VLC and your video output should be correct again.

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 15 Apr 2012 22:38
by Billinden
Thanks Felix. I did everything you suggested, but still have the same problem. My vids open and run sideways. Thanks for trying though. I appreciate it.

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 15 Apr 2012 22:52
by fkuehne
Lemme try some more: Quit VLC (if applicable). Delete a folder called "org.videolan.vlc" in ~/Library/Preferences. You can reach this folder through the Finder's Go menu's "Go To Folder.." function.
Does it help? If not, please give your Mac OS X version and whether you are using an Intel or PowerPC-based Mac.

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 16 Apr 2012 02:36
by Billinden
Felix, I went through Finder's Go menu to "Go To Folder", entered "org.vidolan.vlc" and it tells me there is no such folder. Ugh! My iMac is version 10.6l8, processor 2.66GH2, Intel Core 2 Duo. Sorry to be such a pain. But, appreciate your patience.

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 16 Apr 2012 03:36
by kdean
Go to Folder:


Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 16 Apr 2012 03:58
by Billinden
I found the folder and deleted it. Completely shut down and restarted. Sorry to say, my vids are still sideways.

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 16 Apr 2012 05:48
by kdean
Are all the videos from different sources?

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 17 Apr 2012 02:17
by Billinden
Sorry to take so long to get back to you. Seems my VLC is working properly now. Must have needed an rest overnight. When I logged in today, my vids were running as they should be. Thanks to all for your help. Much appreciated.

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 17 Apr 2012 09:08
by fkuehne
Great to hear that. Cool!

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 18 Apr 2012 18:36
by soundiesam
mine keeps crashing and i dont have that folder anywhere

Re: I can no longer use VLC

Posted: 18 Apr 2012 18:45
by fkuehne
There is no need to spam multiple threads.