DVDwon't play and no one replies?

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New Cone
New Cone
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DVDwon't play and no one replies?

Postby whildonen » 25 Jan 2007 21:34

I have tried to search these forums and got around 1100 hits on "DVD won't play", but all the topics which just asks for help with this, haven't received any response, so I have no high hopes that this one will receive any helpful advice, either.
I've had VLC for a while and it has worked fine, but after I dl'ed the latest update, I can't seem to get DVDs to play.
Apple's DVD-player is no longer an option since I used up all my regions since I had no idea what those were and could never imagine that it really meant that one couldn't play DVDs anymore! I mean, how on Earth is it possible to conjure up such a system when people travel with their laptops!?

OK, off-topic, but...:)

What info do I have? VLC 0.8.6a running on 10.4.8

Would it help with the console log? But it is long...

I'll post it if need be...

As you may understand, I am not very much into these things. I just like to watch :roll:

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Jan 2007 21:11
Location: Valle, Norway

Postby whildonen » 16 Feb 2007 22:22

Ho ho - anybody out there?

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