Hot key for skipping to start or end frame of a video

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Hot key for skipping to start or end frame of a video

Postby MikeyC314 » 20 Apr 2023 13:26

Hi all, as per the title, can I hot key to start and end of a video (first and last frame)?
I'm doing a presentation and have everything set up so the videos in my playlist display on a second screen and I have all the controls turned off that. It all looks great! The only issue I have is that some times I'll need to move on to the end of a video without starting the next. I have it set to pause at the end of each video so I need to start each one by pressing the space bar which is perfect. I just need to get to the end of the current video at the touch of a button if possible.
Can this be done?

Thanks for reading!

edit: Bit of a hack but I created two bookmarks, one at the start and one at the end and as long as I have the bookmarks up I can just double click on them during each video if I need to. I discovered if it's the exact last frame then it just freezes the image on screen (not good) so I set it back a few frames and that seemed to work. Shame there doesn't seem to be a hot key for this.

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Re: Hot key for skipping to start or end frame of a video

Postby unidan » 21 Apr 2023 19:08

Hi, yes I don't think it can be handled correctly currently. You can control the player by position (between 0.0 and 1.0) but it currently won't try to decode what's before to ensure we have a frame when reaching 1.0.

It's actually a pretty "hard" problem to fix in a media player oriented toward playback. One solution would be to shift to 1.0 and then request "one frame back" but the frame back is also very hard to implement, though there are version working for most cases in the work right now : ... uests/3263

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