VLC sees video, others don't.

macOS specific usage questions
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VLC sees video, others don't.

Postby HowardBrazee » 22 Feb 2022 00:27

I have a .mov file that I used to play as a karaoke file in kJams (I'm using the alpha version of this program). It no longer works.

In fact the only way I can play it as a karaoke file is by playing it in VLC. Other players and conversion programs only play the audio.

I have used the streaming facility of VLC to create a .m4v file, but Quicktime won't read that, and kJams won't read it.

Is there a way to use VLC to create a program that Quicktime will read?

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Re: VLC sees video, others don't.

Postby unidan » 01 Mar 2022 15:58

Hi, is the karaoke part subtitles?

For VLC, you should be able to transcode with soverlay and mux with the mov muxer. See the documentation there: https://docs.videolan.me/vlc-user/3.0/e ... index.html

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