I have no headers in the Video Media Player I downloaded

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 27 Sep 2021 05:34

I have no headers in the Video Media Player I downloaded

Postby lizp9202 » 27 Sep 2021 07:15

I downloaded the Video Media Player for MacOS Catalina version 10.15.7. The VLC Media Player downloaded when I click the link was Version 3.0.16. When I open the player it has no heading at all. It has no Media, Playback, Audio, Video, Subtitle, Tools, View, Help up top. I search the forum but I saw one post with the poster asking about 'Media' I do not know if there is any post asking about all of them. I am not that computer smart so could someone help me or tell me how to fix this. How can I play, put in files, etc if there is nothing to click on in order to do my work. Thank you

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 27 Sep 2021 05:34

Re: I have no headers in the Video Media Player I downloaded

Postby lizp9202 » 27 Sep 2021 07:41

Ok, I tried dragging one file and drop it in the square and it open it so I am guessing I can do this now for all files. What I would like to know is how do I build my Library meaning adding other files to the Player. I tried with a second one and it still showed the first or maybe I was not looking at the filename properly because I could have sworn that when I click on Library 2 were there but I do not know if it was a duplicate or the other one I put in there. I intent to try again and see. And the keyboard keys control the player once I give it accessibility. Since I always save back-ups of files [learn the hard way until I again ran out of HD space] it is not a problem to delete it if it's a copy and not another one. I will come back and post the results though.

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