Video wall loop - resets to single monitor

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
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Video wall loop - resets to single monitor

Postby urungus » 27 Feb 2019 22:25

Trying to set up a "video wall" in which video being played back is stretched across three monitors (each monitor displaying 1/3 of the video) and continuously looped. VLC 3.0.6, MacoS 10.12.6 (Sierra)

I have gotten it to work with one remaining issue. When the the end of the video is reached and it loops back to the beginning, the monitors all drop out of full screen mode. The video playback restarts automatically , but instead of being stretched across three monitors, the video is now back to being all on one monitor, divided into three separate windows.

Appreciate any insights on this!

Here is the procedure I am following:
1) under Window > Video Effects > geometry, check "Wall" and set to 1 Row and 3 Columns. Also check "Apply profile at next launch"
2) under VLC > Preferences > Video , check "Use the native fullscreen mode"

Then in Mac's "System Preferences" > "Mission Control", make sure that "Displays have separate Spaces" is checked. Logout and log back in.

Then launch VLC and open video. From the playback menu, choose "Repeat All" Then drag the three video windows to their respective monitors and maximize each window using the little green button in the top left. Restart the video.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 10 Dec 2020 21:00

Re: Video wall loop - resets to single monitor

Postby VegasGroove » 10 Dec 2020 21:03

Hi, did you ever find a solution for this? I am having the identical problem (although I'm on a PC, not a Mac). Still it's the same issue where the video wall disintegrates back into individual stacked windows when the video loop restarts at the beginning.

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