Loud click sound at the end of wma audio tracks

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Loud click sound at the end of wma audio tracks

Postby yogesch » 26 Nov 2020 17:24

I just downloaded an album with the files in WMA format.

At the end of each track, it makes a loud clicking sound - like a CD drive popping out, or a loud button being clicked.

Naturally I assumed it might be a part of the track. So I used ffmpeg to cut out middle sections of the track. But each section also has this clicking sound at the end - which I find extremely strange.

This sound isn't present when I use a different player.

Any idea what this could be about?

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Re: Loud click sound at the end of wma audio tracks

Postby ePirat » 21 Dec 2020 11:29

Hi, can you share a sample file please with which the issue happens?

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