Very loud beep when playing mp3's

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Very loud beep when playing mp3's

Postby LukeHarmony » 01 Jul 2020 09:40

Hi, newbie here and have an issue which has been happening for about 3 months. When opening on mp3's on my Macbook Pro running Mojave, I get a random loud beep, which happens when I go to open a new mp3 file only. There is no consistency to it, it can happen to any mp3 file at any time and is seriously loud no matter what my current volume is at, makes me jump every time. It doesn't happen with any other files just mp3's.

I have uploaded a video clip so you can hear and see it:

I have tried installing some of the last versions of 3.(something)+ and had the same issue. I spoke to apple and they believe it's the software. I have now re-installed version 2.2.0 and it has stopped doing it but obviously I want to run the latest as even this version has bugs but not as bad as the beep, so living with it.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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