Metatag filenames are really annoying. Please fix this issue.

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 5
Joined: 24 Apr 2020 18:15

Metatag filenames are really annoying. Please fix this issue.

Postby NoMetaData » 26 May 2020 07:01

Why when I have a playlist, it shows the metatag information instead of the filename? Its so weird. I know the work arounds that people post but they only work when playing the actual file and it shows the actual file name. I have noticed when trying to edit some of this metatag info, that it's actually showing the info in the description box for the metatag. Can someone please fix this as it is very very annoying. Especially when you have multiple files in a playlist with the same description so the file names in the playlist are all the same.

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