MobileVLCKit - Objective C and Xcode question

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MobileVLCKit - Objective C and Xcode question

Postby DanielKing95 » 30 Sep 2019 13:05


if I wrong section I'm sorry.

I'm working on a project written in Objective-C in Xcode and I use the MobileVLCKit framework. This app shows an Rtsp live stream. Everything works fine but the stream has a 5-6 seconds delay before I'm able to see it.

I've found out that on the VLC Mac app there is a setting called "Use RTP over RTSP(TCP)" under the RTP/RTSP/SDP demuxer (using Live555) menu ( and I believe is what I have to set by code and force the Rtsp stream in order to reduce the delay I've experienced.

After some searches I've found out that the VLCMedia class has a method called addOptions that let you set some option to the media. I've tried to write this code but I couldn't solve the issue. In this code I create the dictionary to pass as parameter of the AddOptions method.

Code: Select all

NSMutableDictionary* mo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [mo setValue:@"" forKey:@"--rtsp-tcp"];
Does anybody knows how to set that thing by code? Is that possible?


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 30 Sep 2019 12:40

Re: MobileVLCKit - Objective C and Xcode question

Postby DanielKing95 » 30 Sep 2019 14:15

The solution was removing the 2 -- from the key string.

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