Postby blessed_heretic » 16 Nov 2005 21:28
I have had a similar problem, and was forced to improvise a solution as follows:
use VLC to "open file..." (shift-command-O)
on the screen that pops up, browse the file you want to open on OS X's media apps
check the box that says "advanced output", then click the resultantly enabled Settings button
under the output options on the new window, browse the file path you want to save your soon-to-be MPEG-4 file
choose MPEG-4 as the encapsulation method, and check both the video and audio boxes, and set them to mp4v and mp4a, respectively.
next you need to set the bitrates, and these will vary based on your camera. I set mine to 1024 video and 128 audio/2-channel.
no matter what I try from here, I can't seem to get any audio out of my clips, so if you manage to with any settings, please tell me what you did! I have OS X 10.4.3 on a G4 ibook
sorry i can't help you with the audio. you could use an external audio recorder to get it from VLC to Final Cut Pro, but that wouldn't be very good quality.