I just got a Macbook Air and now I am having trouble playing video files from my Synology NAS (using VLC 2.1.5). I connected the share via smb. For e.g. I have a 1080p file with a total size of 14 GB, lasting a total of 110 minutes of playtime. Copying this thing to my mac takes about 35 minutes. Nevertheless it is not possible to play this mkv with VLC. The video stops with a grey screen and I am getting skipped frames at the statistic. When I have a look at the download speed of my NAS I can see that the possible bandwidth is not used. I tried changing the network cache to 60000 ms and everything works, but this can not be the solution. I am getting a constant 12 Mb/s from my Wifi connection when I copy the file, but VLC is not able to display the video. What is wrong here?
Kind regards