Dynamic Compression always on?

macOS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 19
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 18:01

Dynamic Compression always on?

Postby arri » 19 Feb 2014 04:37


I'd like to report an issue i've noticed with VLC 2.1.3 (64bit) on Mac OSX 10.8.5, when playing the 24h Dutch TV News 'HTTP-Stream' from broadcaster NOS.
When playing this stream, VLC for some reason seems to always apply compression on the audio-signal, eventhough it's not enabled in the settings. The settings it seems to be using cause rather annoying loud 'attacks' of sounds, to continue very softly. This is especially true with voices, as can be heard in this sample i recorded using the built-in microphone of my laptop: http://a-um.nl/z/compression.wav

I've trashed the preferences but that didn't change this behaviour. Also, I've just discovered the 'feature' existed at all after downloading the version mentioned above just yet. Version i used before that weren't capable of playing the .m3u8 playlists (http-streams) nor have this compression feature yet, so i can't say anything sensible about regression.

The issue seems slightly related to this topic viewtopic.php?f=12&t=42070&p=133241.

The URL of the stream in question currently is : http://l2cm55594bd4f40053041fb9000000.4 ... aal24.m3u8 but changes every X number of days. For the current stream-URL you can always parse the NOS-website where it is embedded in this page: http://nos.nl/nieuws/live/journaal24/

The issue is also present in the current nightly (http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/mac ... 9-0313.zip)

And although perhaps a long shot, but looking for a solution i noticed that the 'Filters' item in Advanced Settings doesn't show any filter-enable list, like you see under video-filters. Also see the image. Perhaps this is normal, i don't know, but i though it might be related.Image.

Let me know if you need more info.

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