downloading rtsp streams to a file, convert to mpw

macOS specific usage questions

downloading rtsp streams to a file, convert to mpw

Postby dkelley » 18 Sep 2005 00:12

I found a few post that seemed to imply that VLC would download realAudio .rm files to mp3 or similar format.
Installation on 10.3.9 went as planned, error when accessing an rtsp:// ---.rm file is.

main warning: no access2 module matching "rtsp" could be loaded

this is all new territory for me so any help is apprieciated. :?:

The DJ
Cone Master
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Joined: 22 Nov 2003 21:52
VLC version: git
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Location: Enschede, Holland

Postby The DJ » 18 Sep 2005 01:44

The posting was misinformed. VLC doesn not support Real RTSP.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

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