I have a number of avi videos which I wish to rotate by 90 degrees.
Ideally I want to use the command line to permanently save a file with no alteration except a rotation
I've tried command lines with both -video-filter and -vout-filter:
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\VLC.exe" --vout-filter=transform --transform-type=90 "20120709-122536 - IMGP2831.AVI" --sout=test.AVI
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\VLC.exe" --video-filter=transform --transform-type=90 "20120709-122536 - IMGP2831.AVI" --sout=test.AVI
With both these, the file is output totally unchanged (ie no rotation). Other transform-type options (90,180,270,hflip,vflip) also have no effect.
Both versions produce a file exactly the same as the input file (ie no rotation)
I don't want to do with the GUI as I want a permanant modification to the file, but thought this might at least allow me to play the files, but I am having problems here too.
If I use the GUI and select tools/effects/video/geometry/transform (rotate 90) it rotates it, but instead of being tall and narrow the image is fat and wide (ie takes up exactly the same size on the screen) with 2.0.4 and very narrow and tall (cropping the sides) in 2.0.5. For both versions the image is largely grey-scale with some of the colours smeared horizontally.
If I use the GUI and select tools/effects/video/geometry/rotate (and set dial to 90) it rotates it correctly (ie aspect ratio and colors are OK), but crops it so the height is the same as the original file, thus chopping off the top and bottom of the view.
I've tested this in both VLC 2.0.4 and 2.0.5 under XP, and neither work properly. I've also tried a couple of different output codecs and deinterlace modes, which seems to make no difference to the output.
Can anyone help, especially with the correct command-line syntax to get the view rotated with no cropping.
I don't really want to install another program, but perhaps if anyone knows of a tool which can do the job could use that instead. I've tried:-
MEncoder does the best job with: mencoder "20120709-122536 - IMGP2831.AVI" -o output.avi -vf rotate=1 -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg
But vlc playback has little lines which weren't present in the original.
MJPEG Lossless Rotate (
http://mjpeglossless.sourceforge.net/) rotates correctly and apparently without re-encoding, but suffers lines in playback (and isn't command line).
DVDVideoSoft has a free tool which rotates the video correctly, but also decreases the quality (and isn't command line), so no good.
Just wondering - the lines aren't present in other players, but do seem to occur with a variety of codecs under VLC, so perhaps is a bug with VLC. Perhaps someone has suggestions on how to get rid of them instead.