I've followed these instructions about 3 times now. They seem pretty clear to me. Put the key file in the %appdata% folder (which defaults to Roaming subfolder), but just for good measure, I put the key file at the parent of Roaming (i.e. appdata) and in the vlc program files dir (which is a subfolder of videolan).
then I dl'd the 64 bit file for my 64 bit windows and placed the file inside "c:\program files (x86)\videolan\vlc\" folder (btw has to be done through saving to the desktop first, then from within explorer, copy the file over. That's okay, minor sacrifice made to ensure a proper working UAC).
the error I get when I try to open a blu ray inside vlc is:
This Blu-Ray Disc needs a library for AACS decoding, and your system does not have it.
when I try the 32 bit dll (windows is 64, but vlc is 32) I get a different message
Missing AACS configuration file!
So... I'm not sure what's going on. I do have uac enabled... I tried running the program in administrator mode which had no affect... I've tried regsvr32' the dll, (which doesn't do anything, nor is the right thing to do with this type of dll, since it's the app's (vlc) decoding dll.)
I also tried this on ubuntu... I was running v12 Ubuntu x64... finally got vlc installed after doing the package list updates, but only from bash...
I believe I pulled the key file, and the 64 bit file... but... after doing all that, I didn't have a blu-ray option inside my vlc... I was wondering if the x64 build was an older version (not 2.0 vlc)... I didn't check that yet...
but yeah, lots of crazy variables... and I still can't get it to play a range of blu ray discs I have...