Seemless streaming of an .ogg-stream via http?

macOS specific usage questions

Seemless streaming of an .ogg-stream via http?

Postby SanCanuto » 15 Aug 2005 15:49

Hi folks,

I just searched and searched for an existing answer to my problem but couldn'd find it... So please don't mind me asking if the answer already is to be found somewhere.

My problem: I'm listening to a livestream on

which is vorbis format. Before I switched to OSX I used some old winamp 2.8 which allowed seamless playback. After I tried out several programs on my mac I finally got lucky with vlc cause it's the only client so far to be able to playback that stream. But it doesn't seem to buffer properly because of pauses every 20 seconds.

Who can help me on this? I just looked through the preferences and the online manual but cannot figure it out.


doublepost, but wtf?

Postby Guest » 16 Aug 2005 21:42

Nobody seems to have the answer or to feel the need to solve my problem.

So I took some time and - more or less - solved it by myself. So just in case somebody stumbles upon the same problem, here's some solution:

I had to switch off "continuous stream" (sic!) in input->access modules -> access_http || and changed the caching value down to 110 ms. It keeps stuttering, but it's bearable.

The better solution, sorry to say so, is the mplayer for osx. But it took me some time to find that out.

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