BUG VLC 2.0.1/2.1.0-git Rincewind NO VIDEO

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 24 Mar 2012 16:50

BUG VLC 2.0.1/2.1.0-git Rincewind NO VIDEO

Postby sebnapi » 24 Mar 2012 17:03


after the Download of VLC 2.0.1 yesterday I liked the interface changes. I put in a Pink Floyd DVD and disabled the video track, today I just wanted to start any Videotrack containing Film, and it doens't show up anything. Like you can see in the Screenshot, VLC appears to understand that there is a Videotrack, I can click it, doesnt change, I can click fullscreen, the only change I get is a check before fullscreen - nothing happening


What I tried:
Delete Prefrences.app in Install-Zip
Installed 2.1.0-git Rincewind, nigthly from today


I just looked into the "Delete Prefrences.app" and saw that it is a apple script, that should show me a message before it deletes the Prefrences. I didn't saw that message before, so I just started "Delete Prefrences.app" unpacked and it worked. I see Video now. Looks also like, that I can't reproduce the bug.


Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Joined: 05 Dec 2007 17:47
VLC version: 2.2
Operating System: Mac OS
Location: Orlando, FL

Re: BUG VLC 2.0.1/2.1.0-git Rincewind NO VIDEO

Postby kdean » 24 Mar 2012 18:40

If you're playing video within the main window, trying clicking the playlist button (3 stacked lines) while the video is playing. It should toggle to the video. If that works, then you may want to deselect "Show video within the main window" in the preferences since that mode seems to work with less issues.

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