Postby sailj32 » 17 Dec 2011 20:43
For the record, here's what worked for me: Snow Leopard 10.6.8, VLC 1.1.12.
1. Create this script using AppleScript Editor:
tell application "VLC"
end tell
delay 10
tell application "Finder" to shut down
2. Save as type Script anywhere you like. I named my script "Quit VLC and Shut Down"
3. Create an iCal event that repeats every day at your shutdown time.
4. In this event, set an alarm that runs this script at 0 minutes before the event time.
5. In System Preferences : Energy Saver : Schedule, set a startup time but not a shutdown time. Your iCal event will take care of shutdown.
The activate and stop may not be needed, but from the other posts here, there have been bugs in earlier versions of VLC that made them necessary.
The "delay 10" step is only to allow time for VLC to quit, and might not be needed; however it is also possible that it should be longer depending on the streaming source. I'm only streaming audio from the internet (