Dear all,
Today I installed the VLC plug-in for my Mac. I am using Firefox and trying to open some rtsp streams in a web page. Normally the default plug-in for this seems Quicktime plug-in. When I disabled it, I thought it will be vlc plug-in. However then I realized that vlc plug-in looks like it does not handle rtsp file type. When I check the about:plugins page for vlc, it looks like this for VLC section :
VLC Multimedia Plug-in
File name: VLC Plugin.plugin
VLC media player - version 1.0.2 Goldeneye - (c) 1996-2009 the VideoLAN team
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/mpeg MPEG audio mp2,mp3,mpga,mpega Yes
audio/x-mpeg MPEG audio mp2,mp3,mpga,mpega Yes
video/mpeg MPEG video mpg,mpeg,mpe Yes
video/x-mpeg MPEG video mpg,mpeg,mpe Yes
video/mpeg-system MPEG video mpg,mpeg,vob Yes
video/x-mpeg-system MPEG video mpg,mpeg,vob Yes
video/mp4 MPEG-4 video mp4,mpg4 Yes
audio/mp4 MPEG-4 audio mp4,mpg4 Yes
application/mpeg4-iod MPEG-4 video mp4,mpg4 Yes
application/mpeg4-muxcodetable MPEG-4 video mp4,mpg4 Yes
video/x-msvideo AVI video avi Yes
application/ogg Ogg stream ogg Yes
application/x-ogg Ogg stream ogg Yes
application/x-vlc-plugin VLC plug-in vlc Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin Windows Media video asf,asx Yes
video/x-ms-asf Windows Media video asf,asx Yes
application/x-mplayer2 Windows Media plug-in Yes
video/x-ms-wmv Windows Media video wmv Yes
video/x-google-vlc-plugin Google VLC plug-in Yes
audio/wav WAV audio wav Yes
audio/x-wav WAV audio wav Yes
audio/3gpp 3GPP audio 3gp,3gpp Yes
video/3gpp 3GPP video 3gp,3gpp Yes
audio/3gpp2 3GPP2 audio 3g2,3gpp2 Yes
video/3gpp2 3GPP2 video 3g2,3gpp2 Yes
video/divx DivX video divx Yes
video/flv FLV video flv Yes
video/x-flv FLV video flv Yes
video/x-matroska MKV video mkv Yes
audio/x-matroska MKV audio mka Yes
application/xspf+xml xspf Yes
As you can see there is not "application/x-rtsp" entry like in Quiktime section. What can I do to play some rtsp streams embedded in the web page?
Thanks for your interest in advance.