Cannot stream out a playlist any more!

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Cannot stream out a playlist any more!

Postby mathieubill » 08 Nov 2008 13:12

Hello all,

I would like to stream out an rtsp stream (precisely a radio from the French ISP).
When I use the Streaming/Exporting wizard, vlc streams out well.
Then, when I save the exporting wizard in an m3u playlist file and reopen it again in VLC, it does not stream out any more but plays directly in VLC.

Is there a way to stream out a playlist?

Here is the code:

Code: Select all

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,Streaming/Transcoding Wizard (1/1) #EXTVLCOPT:sout=#standard{mux=ps,dst=,access=http}:sout-transcode-soverlay=0 #EXTVLCOPT:start-time=(null) #EXTVLCOPT:stop-time=(null) #EXTVLCOPT:ttl=1 rtsp://
Thank you in advance.

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