vlc 0.8.6h default fullscreen on desktop 2 not working yet

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vlc 0.8.6h default fullscreen on desktop 2 not working yet

Postby darkolo » 08 Jun 2008 11:56

the latest release of vlc still has the same bug of the previous release. The default preference to have fullscreen on desktop 2 is broken yet.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: vlc 0.8.6h default fullscreen on desktop 2 not working yet

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Jun 2008 20:49

Yes, we know that, but we can't fix the preferences yet. We will do it in next major version (0.9.0)
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: vlc 0.8.6h default fullscreen on desktop 2 not working yet

Postby markom » 10 Jun 2008 00:29


I absolutely don't wish to sound in any way ungrateful, but this has been broken for quite some time now :-/. It is quite annoying and there have been consistent complaints since 0.8.6c (there was an interim c release that fixed this, but it got broken in d and never fixed afterwards). I am sure there would be at least few grateful users if you could find a fix!

Is there any known workaround for this proble? From the litle debugging that I have done, it would appear that this setting is not at all loaded at the program startup. I tried hacking plist file by hand to no avail. Is it really that difficult to fix this error? :-(

Please, please fix it for us! THANK YOU :-)

Now, all that being said, 0.9 appears to be rather nice, but... is there any ETA?

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Re: vlc 0.8.6h default fullscreen on desktop 2 not working yet

Postby Anuga » 11 Jun 2008 12:58

Hey! Even thou this procedure is abit annoying, it works anyway.

Setup VLC with any version (I use 'h'), so that the video display should be your tv (display 2).
Save all settings, then quit.
Now, every time you start VLC and have started to run a video file, all you haft to do is goto the 'Video' menu and choose 'Video Device' and set it to your perfered Device.
That way, you can see the video files on the tv, display 2 etc and have your mainscreen blacked out if prefered, as I.

The Only Thing you need to repeat everytime you start VLC is to choose Video Device when you start playing a file.

It's that little tiny setting VLC ain't reading in the config file it seems.

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Re: vlc 0.8.6h default fullscreen on desktop 2 not working yet

Postby fanta » 16 Jun 2008 16:46

Hey! Even thou this procedure is abit annoying, it works anyway.

Setup VLC with any version (I use 'h'), so that the video display should be your tv (display 2).
Save all settings, then quit.
Now, every time you start VLC and have started to run a video file, all you haft to do is goto the 'Video' menu and choose 'Video Device' and set it to your perfered Device.
That way, you can see the video files on the tv, display 2 etc and have your mainscreen blacked out if prefered, as I.

The Only Thing you need to repeat everytime you start VLC is to choose Video Device when you start playing a file.

It's that little tiny setting VLC ain't reading in the config file it seems.
I guess everybodys aim is to make the tool perfect and working as it should. therefore this workaround seems pretty unacceptable. there is a setting for that so it is acknowledged that this feature is relevant. but it does not work. so it should be fixed.

as for 0.9.0: i downloaded a nightly build yesterday and was unable to make the setting because half of the setting-pages were blank. when is 0.9.0 going to drop?

Gigolo Joe
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Re: vlc 0.8.6h default fullscreen on desktop 2 not working yet

Postby Gigolo Joe » 11 Aug 2008 01:14

"as for 0.9.0: i downloaded a nightly build yesterday and was unable to make the setting because half of the setting-pages were blank. when is 0.9.0 going to drop?"

0.9.0 ???!!! Try looking forward to the delights of VLC 0.8.6i through to 0.8.8z (how ridiculous does that sound?)

It would be great to have some decent bug-free software capable of playing every format. With all VLC's problems I only ever use it to play mkv files and even then it crashes nearly every time..

You'd think living in the 21st Century would be really high tech, but trying to play a movie on a computer is the equivalent of scrabbling for beans in the dirt.

Does it really take several months for the entire videolan community to come up with completely insignificant updates with no word on how long it will take to get to a version 1 ??

Oh and I'm not a complete novice but what's up with the UI? The preferences especially are so labyrinthine I swear most of it is put there just to confuse us...

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Re: vlc 0.8.6h default fullscreen on desktop 2 not working yet

Postby Ivan_Kostyuk » 28 Dec 2008 08:45

Guys, I hope to inform you - it's working fine!
I have got VLS version 0.8.6e (Ubuntu 8.04, nvidia 169.12, Separate X screens, Xinerama)
How to do this (I mean turn on):
Settings -> Preferences -> Video -> Output modules -> XVideo
If you see empty panel pay attention to check box "Advances option", it should be checked.
And what is needed it's to change value for "Screen for fullscreen mode" (in my case second display placed on left and value for it 1).
You can find in branch "Output modules" "X11" with same parameter "Screen for fullscreen mode". I think this option in case use dual screen without Xinerama. Anyway you can try.

Previously I could not find fullscreen mode, because I did not pay attention to "Advances option" check box.

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