Ok, here's the problem:
I got a macbook (core2 duo, 2.16GHz, 1GB Ram).
On this macbook I have OSX (latest) running VLC (latest). I also have, on the very same macbook, Vista installed.
I can play all my 720p x264 DVD9 content on Windows Media Player 11. Not a stutter, nothing, it's perfect.
The very same file on the very same hardware using VLC on OSX stutters so much it's unplayable, then crashes miserably.
I have about one hundred of these files. All of them behave as described above. I have turned on the 'all' option in the skip loop filter option for h264 in VLC, and that didn't help either.
Question: why is this happening and can I do something about it, or am I doomed to dual boot for ever?