auto starting streams

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New Cone
New Cone
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auto starting streams

Postby rwandover » 20 Mar 2007 15:32

This is probably a totally academic question, but can someone tell me how to set up VLC, so when it launches, it will automatically start streaming a selection so I don't have to physically press to the start button on the GUI to begin the stream? I'm attempting to record a radio show via Audio Hijack, which launches VLC ok, but the stream doesn't start.... Kind of a drag...

P.S. I'm a Unix idiot.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 14
Joined: 11 Mar 2007 08:16

Postby montressor » 20 Mar 2007 23:55

Although pushing that button can be accomplished via AppleScript, you're probably better off doing this via the command line. If you post the url of the show, what kind of file you want to save the show as (eg: mp3), and what version of VLC you're running, I can post an AppleScript that will accomplish what you're looking for.

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