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How to switch to next Streaming Video
Posted: 14 Apr 2011 14:48
by Chaman
I've been subscribed to watch certain sport via mmm://...... link... This works perfectly as URL/Network both in Windows Media Player and VLC Player. When I watch on Windows Media Player I can use "Forward button" to switch to next streaming video via the same link however I cannot do the same with VLC player. Any suggestions on how to switch to next streaming video on VLC on the same link?
I'm not too tech savvy, therefore easy or step by step instructions would be highly appreciable.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Re: How to switch to next Streaming Video
Posted: 21 Apr 2011 02:21
by str3tmonk
In WMP you probably have a playlist to the right of your video. You can do the same with VLC but you have to populate this list yourself. Press CTRL+L to toggle playlist on VLC.
Re: How to switch to next Streaming Video
Posted: 29 Apr 2011 01:33
by Chaman
Thanks for the reply. However, it does not help me. CTRL + L (or Command + L on my macbook) will take me to next song in playlist. But this is not a playlist. It is live streaming .... What I want to do is jump to next streaming channel. Say you are watching a live graduation ceremony through a university link (starting as mms:// .......... ). Now if you play the same link in Windows media player and press the forward button, it will take you to the next live video but link does not change. It is the same link but you watching live streaming of second channel. It works in Windows media player but not in VLC player. And I'm trying to find out how to do the same in VLC player.
Re: How to switch to next Streaming Video
Posted: 07 Sep 2012 04:33
by jivano
Chaman, did you find a way for the mentioned problem?
I need a solution for the problem!