Starting VoD using VLM and Sending MP2TS over UDP

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 12 May 2008 09:42

Starting VoD using VLM and Sending MP2TS over UDP

Postby ravi_andhra » 31 Jul 2008 09:23

Hi guys,
I am trying to stream a video to STB using VoD server of VLC(configured through telnet interface)
i have used following commads:

./vlc.exe --etraintf telnet

then connecting to the telnet interface and giving the following commands:

telnet 4212

>new abc vod
>setup abc input dancevideo.ts mux mp2t enabled

with the above command my video got ingested

when STB sends the rtsp requests VLC abled to send the successfull repsonse to those queries.
But the problem is that my STB accepts the media in MP2T/AVP/UDP format and with the above commands VLC is sending in RTP/AVP/UDP format. So, my STP not able to decode RTP packets and giving playback error.

can anybody suggest me the way to send MP2T/AVP over UDP instead of RTP/AVP over UDP.

Thanks in advance.


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