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VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 24 May 2008 16:06
by Skinnersplace
Hi I am new and trying to MUX two TS together to forma single string using VLM.

I have a batch file wich loads C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC" VLC -I telnet --vlm -conf Broadcast.cfg

As a test I created a CFG file to output on seperate ports :

new channel1 broadcast enabled
setup channel1 input BARS.TS
setup channel1 output #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=,chsdp=sap,name="Channel 1"}

new channel2 broadcast enabled
setup channel2 input BARS2.TS
setup channel2 output #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=,chsdp=sap,name="Channel 2"}

control channel1 play
control channel1 play

I run the batch file, and get an instance of VLC visable in my task manager but am unable to view either of the two ports in a second instance of VLC ?

my ultimate goal is to combine the two TS into a single multi program stream (so I will have to add PID's etc) and output that single streem on a single port.

Can someone plase help me to work out what is wrong with my test config above ?



Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 25 May 2008 11:46
by Skinnersplace
Ok so I have broadcast from the windows gui fine, so I know it works.

I copied the following directy from the config file it created :

new broadcast enabled loop
setup input "some random music file form my hard drive"
setup output #transcode{vcodec=DIV3,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=,sap,group=test,name=Channel 1}}

added Channel 1 to the description and the play comand to get :

new Channel 1 broadcast enabled loop
setup Channel 1 input "some random music file form my hard drive"
setup Channel 1 output #transcode{vcodec=DIV3,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=,sap,group=test,name=Channel 1}}

control Channel 1 play

then ran it using C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC" VLC -I telnet --vlm -conf Broadcast.cfg

and get nothing ! - VLC appears in my process manager but I recieve no audio on that address

It works when I create the stream from the gui, so what am I doing wrong by running it form the comand line ?

any help would be usefull !

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 03 Jul 2008 14:35
by Skinnersplace2
Hi Skinnersplace here again (lost my old log on some how)

Can anyone help with this ?

Does anyone know a way I can mux multiple inputs and broadcast them in a single ts using vlm ?

p.s I am using a pc not linux

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 07 Jul 2008 15:25
by xsimio
I'm interested if this was solved ... i'm trying to solve this but without success.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 07 Jul 2008 15:47
by xsimio
new channel1 broadcast enabled
setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 output #rtp{mux=ts,dst=,sap,name="Channel 1"}

control channel1 play 1
control channel1 play 2
control channel1 play 3

BUT like this is played only the stream from ip .3, the last one from input.

how to add all 3 input streams and the client to be able to use navigate to change channel?

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 10 Jul 2008 15:01
by Skinnersplace
Hi xsimio,

Think you would need to set them to channel 1,2,3 etc

I asume that each TS has already got the pid information etc already set up ?

Are you working with unix or windows, I am working with windows with no sucess yet, but sombody told mme the mux command does not work outside of unix ?


Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 17:32
by xsimio
channels id are already set, is I use only play 2, the second stream is played...

if I use play 3, stream 3 is played...

no success for all yet.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 19:48
by Skinnersplace
Think you need to define the channels PMT's so they are uniqe, then you would need to set up the PAT.
Dont know how to do it myself but if you find out please post back.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 13 Jul 2008 22:42
by xsimio
what is PMT and what is PAT ?

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 14 Jul 2008 12:17
by hihi
found in help:

to define transportstream ID:
setup Channel4 option sout-ts-tsid=4
to define Network ID:
setup Channel4 option sout-ts-netid=511
to define the different PMT's:
setup Channel4 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100,200,300,400"
to define the PID's for each PMT:
setup Channel4 option sout-ts-muxpmt="110,120,,210,220,,310,320,,410,420"
to define the SDT for each program:
setup Channel4 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="company,file1,company,file2,company,udp1,company,udp2"

source on google: ... 19150.html

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 16 Jul 2008 09:38
by xsimio
i've set everything and now I can navigate from one channel to another in vlc client, but only the first one is started and can be played

what is wrong ?

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 17 Jul 2008 12:08
by xsimio
new channel1 broadcast enabled

setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 input udp://@

setup channel1 option sout-ts-tsid=4
setup channel1 option sout-ts-netid=511
setup channel1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100,200,300,400"
setup channel1 option sout-ts-muxpmt="110,120,,210,220,,310,320,,410,420"
setup channel1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="IPTv Company,AXN,IPTv Company,Disney,IPTv Company,ProTV,IPTv Company,Antena 1"

setup channel1 output #rtp{mux=ts,dst=,sap,select="program=20-2000"}

control channel1 play


now I have like this, but only the first stream is played, in vlc client menu I can see only AXN, for the others I see 200, 300, 400 ...

what I have to do ?

i think I have to atach input stream to pmt, but how ? like here only the first stream is started, in logs.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 20 Jul 2008 14:04
by Skinnersplace
Hi Xsimio,

Not sure what the problem is, I have been trying the following, but have not got it to work yet:

new chan1 broadcast enabled loop
setup chan1 input "BARS.ts"
setup chan1 output output #duplicate{dst=bridge-out{id=110},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=120},select=audio}

setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-audio=110
setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-video=120
setup chan1 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup chan1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100"
setup chan1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="chan1"

new chan2 broadcast enabled loop
setup chan2 input "Bars2.ts"
setup chan2 output #duplicate{dst=bridge-out{id=210},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=220},select=audio}
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-audio=210
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-video=220
setup chan2 option sout-ts-program-pmt="200"
setup chan2 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="chan2"

control chan1 play
control chan2 play

setup channel1 option sout-ts-tsid=1
setup channel1 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup channel1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100,200"
setup channel1 option sout-ts-muxpmt="110,120,,210,220"
setup channel1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="MY TV,Channel 1,MY TV,Channel 2"

setup channel1 output #bridge-in:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=udp{ttl=5},mux=ts,dst=}

control channel1 play

Try starting the HTML interface and make sure the other channels are playing when you run the config file.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 22 Jul 2008 09:25
by xsimio
Skinnersplace , like U say is not working beacuse there is no input for the last output ... i think.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 22 Jul 2008 09:29
by xsimio
new chan1 broadcast enabled
setup chan1 input udp://@
setup chan1 output #duplicate{dst=bridge-out{id=110},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=120},select=audio}
setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-audio=110
setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-video=120
setup chan1 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup chan1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100"
setup chan1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="chan1"

new chan2 broadcast enabled
setup chan2 input udp://@
setup chan2 output #bridge-in:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp{ttl=5},mux=ts,dst=}
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-audio=210
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-video=220
setup chan2 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup chan2 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100,200"
setup chan2 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="company,file1,company,file2"
setup chan2 option sout-ts-muxpmt="110,120,,210,220"

control chan1 play
control chan2 play


this is my current configuration.
is working BUT i can see the two tv channels in the same time ONLY for the first option in navigate menu.

the first option is file1 [company] and when selected, playing both inputs. second option in navigate menu is 200, when selected, nothing happens.

where is my mistake ?

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 22 Jul 2008 09:52
by Skinnersplace
Hi Xsimio

Yeah I have seen that before, you dont have the final channel set up, the one that mux's the first too together.

I have been trying the following:

new chan1 broadcast enabled loop
setup chan1 input "BARS.ts"
setup chan1 output #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=4096,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=512}:std{access=udp,mux=,dst=}

setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-audio=110
setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-video=120
setup chan1 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup chan1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100"
setup chan1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="chan1"

new chan2 broadcast enabled loop
setup chan2 input "BARS2.ts"
setup chan2 output #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=4096,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=512}:std{access=udp,mux=,dst=}
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-audio=210
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-video=220
setup chan2 option sout-ts-program-pmt="200"
setup chan2 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="chan2"

control chan1 play
control chan2 play

new channel1 broadcast enabled loop
setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 option sout-ts-es-id-pid
setup channel1 option sout-ts-tsid=1
setup channel1 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup channel1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100,200"
setup channel1 option sout-ts-muxpmt="110,120,,210,220"
setup channel1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="MY TV,Channel 1,MY TV,Channel 2"

setup channel1 output #std{mux=ts,dst=}

control channel1 play

When I check it in the HTTP interface, I can see that all three streams are playing, but my processor runs out of power before I can open another copy of vlc to see if the output works.

I am planning on settting up a small tnetwork to test it over.

Have a go and see if it works any better for you.


Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 11:50
by xsimio
what for do u need all this ?

for example I need for cable QAM devides.

what about U ?

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 12:14
by hihi
For cable QAM you'll need the NIT ,but it's not defined in VLC ...

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 25 Jul 2008 20:49
by Skinnersplace
Can you see any issues with the config I posted above ?
I have tried to confirm it on my vista machine, but it does not seam to load the same as it does on my xp machine (wich does not have the capacity to test it)

any help would be greatly appreciated


Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 25 Aug 2008 15:43
by xsimio
new chan1 broadcast enabled
setup chan1 input udp://@
setup chan1 output #duplicate{dst=bridge-out{id=2110},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=2211},select=audio}
setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-audio=2211
setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-video=2110
setup chan1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="5002"
setup chan1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="channel 1"
setup chan1 option sout-ts-tsid=101

new chan2 broadcast enabled
setup chan2 input udp://@
setup chan2 output #duplicate{dst=bridge-out{id=4101},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=4102},select=audio}
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-audio=4102
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-video=4101
setup chan2 option sout-ts-program-pmt="212"
setup chan2 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="channel 2"
setup chan2 option sout-ts-tsid=102

new chan3 broadcast enabled
setup chan3 input udp://@
setup chan3 output #bridge-in:duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=}
setup chan3 option sout-ts-pid-audio=3211
setup chan3 option sout-ts-pid-video=3110
setup chan3 option sout-ts-program-pmt="5002,212,5003"
setup chan3 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup chan3 option sout-ts-tsid=103
setup chan3 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="company,channel 1,company,channel 2,company,channel 3"
setup chan3 option sout-ts-muxpmt="2211,2110,,4102,4101,,3211,3110"
setup chan3 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="channel3"

control chan1 play
control chan2 play
control chan3 play

now in the navigate menu I have like this:

for first option nothing

for option 2 - one audio and two video playing

for option 3 - one video and one audio ... working ok.

till now the problem was that the video and audio pids was not set ok. still working on this.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 01 Sep 2008 19:27
by pgrech
Hi, I have been trying to mux two channels using your same setup. I had no luck either. Using TSReader, I can see that the PMT tables are not being generated correctly. I always end up with the video and audio pids from both programs into one pmt. Have you found a solution to this?
Thanks in advance.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 02 Sep 2008 14:30
by Skinnersplace
Has anyone got anyfurther with this ? - I am having no luck, as I dont seam able to access the html interface on my vista machine.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 13 Sep 2008 13:51
by Skinnersplace
This is what I am working with at this time,

new chan1 broadcast enabled loop
setup chan1 input "C:\BARS.ts"
setup chan1 output #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=4096,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=512}:std{access=udp,mux=,dst=}

setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-audio=110
setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-video=120
setup chan1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100"
setup chan1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="chan1"

new chan2 broadcast enabled loop
setup chan2 input "C:\BARS2.ts"
setup chan2 output #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=4096,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=512}:std{access=udp,mux=,dst=}
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-audio=210
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-video=220
setup chan2 option sout-ts-program-pmt="200"
setup chan2 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="chan2"

control chan1 play
control chan2 play

new channel1 broadcast enabled loop
setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 input udp://@
setup channel1 option sout-ts-es-id-pid
setup channel1 option sout-ts-tsid=1
setup channel1 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup channel1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100,200"
setup channel1 option sout-ts-muxpmt="110,120,,210,220"
setup channel1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="MY TV,Channel 1,MY TV,Channel 2"

setup channel1 output #std{mux=ts,dst=}

control channel1 play

When i check using the HTML interface, the two inputs are streaming happily to there ports, but the output is shown as playing however the percentage never increases ?
When I check in VLC the two input channels are streaming, but I get nothing on the output port. there if obviously still something wrong with my mux command
Does any one have any ideas ?

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 13 Sep 2008 16:08
by Skinnersplace
Hi Xsimio,

I have tried your code, but although the html interfce say's its playing, I have not been able to open the output stream at all !?
(I did change the destination to but that should not affect it ! also I used AVI files as the source.)

Any ideas why I can not see the output (I was trying to view it in VLC)

I am trying to produce a multi channel ts to distribute to set top boxes.

Re: VLM to MUX two Channels

Posted: 14 Sep 2008 07:42
by Skinnersplace
ok, so I got my setup to stream (had to add access=udp to my ouput),
But all I get is a single channel out.
The navigation menue shows two channels (althought hte second one is identfied by the pid not the name in VLC).
I have checked out the steeam in a ts monitor and can see that both chanels are configured as per the script, however there is only video in the first service and nothing in the second.
It appears that either the ouput channel is not loading both of the two inputs or the mux=ts is not doing its part ?

Does any one have any ideas on this ?