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Posted: 13 Jul 2007 11:19
by Jethro
Hello. This is my first post here. I had playing around wth JVLC latest two days and was gratefully surprised to see it working so smooth. Problem occurred when it comes to use VLM trunk of JVLC. Apparently, there is no working example on the entire net and the vlm.addBroadcast() method seems to always fail creation. I was wondering whether I'm doing something wrong or the VLM trunk is not yet functional. I use 2007-03-10 release for windows.
I'd really appreciate if someone can put up some light on this misterious VLM for JVLC behaviour. If anyone managed to get it working it would be great if you can post some of your code :?: and tell me where did you get your java VLC binding :?: .

Here is the code I use, guess this doesn't mind anyway as addBroadcast raises a creation failed VLC exception:

Code: Select all

String streamName = [streamName]; String location = [file URI]; String output="#std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}"; jvlc.vlm.addBroadcast(streamName, location, output, new String[0], true, false); jvlc.vlm.setOutput(streamName, output); jvlc.vlm.playMedia(streamName);
And the exception:

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org.videolan.jvlc.VLCException: Media [streamName] creation failed at org.videolan.jvlc.VLM._addBroadcast(Native Method) at org.videolan.jvlc.VLM.addBroadcast(


Posted: 16 Jul 2007 10:59
by Gujs
I am using it under linux. I thinl it was fixed some time ago, so you should get or compile yourself a newer version of jvlc. I compiled it a week ago and jvlc and vlm works great.


Posted: 27 Aug 2007 11:12
by shereen ahmed
I done the same example and gave the same error
are u found a solution ???????????


Posted: 15 Jan 2008 11:44
by jzucherato
Gujs, you cross-compile it for win32 or you are using under linux??
If it's for win32 please share the compiled files, i tried to cross-compile but its faild.


Posted: 28 Jan 2008 16:06
by fatou
Hi everybody,
I am facing the same problem I am using eclipse under windows. The jvlc version I am using is jvlc-0.9.0-20070310.
My code is below:

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public class JVLCTest { public static void main(String[] args){ System.loadLibrary("libvlc"); System.loadLibrary("jvlc"); String[] arg = new String[3]; arg[0] = "--plugin-path=C:\\jvlc-0.9.0-20070310\\plugins"; arg[1] = "-vvv"; arg[2] = "--extraintf=logger"; JVLC jvlc = new JVLC(arg); try { String streamName = "Test"; String output="#std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}"; jvlc.vlm.addBroadcast(streamName,"C:\\Media\\Video\\Live%20Services.mpg", output, null, true, false); } catch (VLCException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
I am just stuck, your help is really appreciated.